MKG Crane


Range 25 m
Working height max. 12.5 m
Special features Radio control, high-seat cabin, winch
Field of application Large biofilters, high filters

MKG Crane (new)


Range 18.5 m
Working height max. 10.5 m
Special features Radio control, high-seat cabin, winch
Field of application Large biofilters, high filters

Jonsered Crane


Range 16.5 m
Working height max. 9 m
Special features High operating speed
Field of application For handling major material quantities in a short time

HIAB Crane Lorry



11 m

Working height

max. 6 m

Special features

container filters & small to medium-sized biofilters

Field of application

Can transport material volumes of up to 60 m³ (incl. trailer)



Number of vehicle


Dead weight

2.2 tons


Grapple rake for coconut fibre and heather, Lightweight materials scoops with 2 m width and 1.2m³ volume for woodchips and root wood

Field of application

For biofilters with passable distributor base. Enclosed biofilters