guaranteeing clean air -          for more than 35 years

Roth GmbH - Spezialist für Biofilter
Roth GmbH - Spezialist für Biofilter


Whether in waste disposal, industry or agriculture - whereverodour-intensive substances can pollute the air, cleaning exhaustair plays a central and vital role. For more than 35 years, RothGmbH has operated throughout Europe as a specialist in biologicalwaste air cleaning, supplying all the services and products requiredin this field. We focus on a comprehensive range of productsand services covering all aspects of supply as well as expertinstallation and removal of various biofilter materials. Alsoincluded in our services are the care, maintenance and renewalof biofilter systems. Fully equipped with special crane vehiclesas well as ten sliding-floor trucks, Roth GmbH is your powerfulpartner on the international market.